Who are you pulled to be?
Are you ready to feel it all and Come Fully Alive?

It isn’t uncommon to hear our friends or our selves say “I want to be more authentic” - but what does that really mean?

For me, it means inquiring, unfolding, processing and learning to express your soul in every moment.

I have been on my own journey of healing and self-discovery for many years, having explored many many (many!) rabbitholes along the way. My work today is to empower and encourage your authentic alignment with your soul. To set you on the path to who you truly are.

Chad Novak
my journey


Who am I? What is my life's purpose? What is this life all about?

It was years ago that I started to ask these questions of myself.

I started to read books and explore the evolution of our consciousness. I downloaded as much information as I could consume at the time. I went down many different rabbit holes throughout the years seeking for answers and asking questions along the way. This yearning inside only grew stronger with each passing moment and I became passionate about this journey inward.

As I started to unlock door after door inside myself, I found myself living a life that wasn't in alignment with my soul. I was working in jobs that didn't resonate with me anymore. I found that most of my relationships were superficial. I thought to myself "How do I start to unpack all of this and make room for this authentic version of myself to come through my being?". I began this healing journey within which has led me to where I find myself today.

I quit many jobs that no longer served this new way of being that was coming through. I felt this pull inside to walk in the opposite direction of the status quo. I continued to reflect and go inward.

It was as if my whole reality that I was programmed and conditioned to be a part of started to dissolve right before my very eyes.

I experienced many of life’s trials and tribulations during these times. It has felt like some kind of great initiation. I enrolled in an Ontological Coaching program with the Newfield Network. I remember thinking to myself “I'm going to become the best life coach on the planet!

After completing the program, I was still left with some deeper questions that I wanted to explore. I wanted to go even deeper.

Then I found an organization called Openhand that gave me the framework for my inquiry into authentic being-ness and unique expression of soul. Things started to shift as I began my deep inner work that had been calling me all along. I got certified as a Yoga instructor which helped me in building confidence as I began to step into this new way of being.

While going through yoga training the healing and transformational power of our own breath was shown to me through Transformational Breath®. It was like an ah-ha moment for me. This breathwork really brought everything together for me on my journey. The breath is a great way to embody soul. It is a simple and powerful gateway to Self.

I consider myself to be a perpetual student of life and I look forward to growing, learning and evolving right beside you.

I'm excited to see what this next chapter of life opens up for me along my journey and I’m looking forward to walking the path with you.


Kind Words

“Working with you in November in Sedona in a group situation you made everyone so comfortable and were able to provide 1-on-1 support within the group dynamic while still maintaining the group.  The breath work was amazing letting go of layers of trapped emotion and pain as some people yelled in ecstasy while others cried and cried letting go of the terror's and even 1or 2 felt so safe and comfortable they slept like a baby even making us giggle with their snoring. What an incredible day and the techniques that you taught and shared from your heart I've definitely been utilized since then and I'm so thankful.

— Charlotte

Are you ready to start your own journey?

Evolution of Soul