Diverging Paths
Diverging paths are happening all the time within us and without us.
Our paths diverge in relationships, friendships, work, children, culture, global, etc. As we expand and contract as we evolve and grow. We all have a different cultural discourse based on our upbringing and the culture we were born into. A history of how we relate to the world, our bodies, our minds, our environment, our being, our true nature, our spirituality, etc. Sometimes our paths diverge and come back together down the road and sometimes they don't. All for the sake of our souls evolutionary journey.
Choosing what feels right in any given moment and following that. Sometimes neglecting the call from within and creating more suffering within and without our being. Aligning with our souls and who we feel to be from moment to moment is always shifting and changing, based on the souls lessons that we each need to learn individually and collectively. Becoming the perpetual student of life allow us to look at the world with new eyes with every passing moment. The body is constantly speaking to us through it's felt perception of what's going on internally and externally. A build up of energy begins to happen in the body every time we don't allow for the energy to come through us at any given time. It is usually getting caught within an old construct that no longer serves your being anymore. Creating havoc and dis-ease within our physical vessel. If we are alive at this time and still have a body, we still have many more lessons to learn and evolve from. Some of these lessons smack us right in the face and we gain some clarity as to the way forward and some are more subtle. Discomfort in the body arises as we feel these paths diverging. The mind wants to hijack the situation and tries to control the outcome of whatever is arising for you now. Looking to the external for a way out of the discomfort that is being shown to us.. As our paths diverge, the internal discomfort strengthens. We are touching a choice point here. A doorway into the evolution of our soul. Fear is what controls us and tries to keep us playing it small. I'm not ready to walk through the doorway yet, it's just to much for me at this time. No soul wants another soul to do the learning and evolving for them. We look left and we look right and realize we need to go it alone through the doorway. Only to find different paths on the other side of the door converging with one another. Co-creating and collaborating as one human collective family. Some paths must diverge because it promotes growth for the individual and whole at the same time. Now we are expanding and contracting together on this beautiful planet called Earth. Evolution of our individual and collective consciousness is in full swing. The paths forward are becoming more and more polarizing at this time. Doorways are opening up for all of us on the planet at this time. We look left and right, we take the step through the doorway. Only to be met by our soul brothers and sisters. Welcoming us with open arms and open hearts. We all just want to be seen and heard. No one is exempt from diverging paths in this lifetime. It's just a matter of how intense the discomfort gets within our bodies before our soul says it is time to take that step. May we all feel the fear and do it anyway. We all need each other more than ever at this time in human history. Let's all feel into our individual and collective FEAR and take that step together. You will be met on the other side of the door with unconditional LOVE!
Sending love and 10 second hugs your way,