Time to turn it around!
It's time to turn this boat around and back inside oneself.
Waiting for others and the world to show me the way.
Waiting for the right moment to say enough is enough.
Resisting this alchemical change that wants to take place inside my being.
Go over the what ifs and should and should nots in my mind.
Floating in space and getting tangled up in the muck of life.
Which way do I go now I ask myself?
Seeking and searching for someone else to show me the way.
Softening into the tightness of it all.
Waiting patiently like a little kid to get the green light to go explore the world within and without.
Where does this need for permission arise?
Desiring less and the world is yours.
What wants to come through today as I ponder and reflect on life.
Live and let live as a mantra, but not getting swept up in passivity.
The path is becoming more and more clear with each passing day.
I'm at the cliffs edge and have been for some time now.
I can feel the rocks loosening beneath my feet.
If I don't choose to jump now I may just eventually fall into the abyss of life.
Running away from my grief, running away from my heartache, running away from my greatness.
My feet hurt from all this running
Exhaustion has settled in and I'm faced with a choice to make.
How am I going to live today like it was my last?
How am I going to respond to life?
With fear or with love?
Feeling it all deep inside and freeing myself from the inside out.
No one knows the best path for myself but me.
I can feel the fire burning inside.
Not getting caught up in the expectations of life.
People will be disappointed when I take the leap but it will be a gift from God.
Forcing others to go inside and start asking those difficult questions themselves.
Am I living my best life?
Am I allowing life to unfold organically?
All these distractions are just that distractions.
Helping me wake up to whom I truly am.
The writing is on the wall as I get ready to take this leap of faith.
Jump because no one is here to do it for you.
Trust, pray, meditate on the path forward.
Being opened up by the vulnerability of it all.
And so it is, onward, downward and upward on this journey called life.
Being kind to myself as it all unfolds and learning the lessons I need to learn to let my soul shine outward into the world.
And with humility, grace and gratitude.....I take the leap into the abyss.
See you in the other side brother🤙❤